
Age of empires 2 build order mayans
Age of empires 2 build order mayans

age of empires 2 build order mayans

Some civilizations perform this rush better due to faster firing rate, others because their archers are cheaper, and some might produce them much faster. Since civilizations have widely different bonuses, some might also have more effective ways to make the rush better. Although this build order might be enough initially, you might want to change it a bit after a while. That being said, I strongly suggest you pay attention to your civilization’s strengths.

age of empires 2 build order mayans age of empires 2 build order mayans

This build order is good enough for you to start popping out archers at 23 population. However, if you follow these instructions, you should be able to perform an archer rush with any civilization. Some civilizations can do it much better than others. This build order is not specifically fine-tuned to any civilization. Make a barracks with a wood villager when the Feudal Age is halfway completed.As soon as you click up, send 3 villagers from food to gold and 1 to wood.5 villagers to wood with 2nd lumber camp.3 villagers to berries and lure 2nd boar with an existing villager.1 villager builds 2 houses, then berries.The Best Civs for an Archer Rush Build Order

Age of empires 2 build order mayans